Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Husband

I just wanted to take a second and express how blessed I feel to have Chris as my husband. I had a bad day with the kids yesterday, despite going to the pool with them. Typically I might mention to Chris simply that it wasn't a great day when he's at sea, but I don't usually go into detail. After all, he's half a world away, what can he do, but worry about us and wonder if we're doing better - which doesn't do much for his state of mind. But yesterday I'd had it, and when I went to write Chris an email, it all came out, every nit-picky detail about my day with the kids and all the annoyances it brought. After all, Chris is my best friend and the one I vent to when he's home, so it's only natural to want to vent to him even when he's not here. This was his response: "Thanks for venting to me so I can feel like part of your day."
I usually feel guilty after venting my frustrations to him when there's nothing he can do to help. Chris is always looking for ways to help me and fix my problems, even when all I want is for him to lend an ear, a shoulder and a hug. I know it's hard for him to be so far away and hear my frustrations and not be able to do anything to help, and yet he still found a way...to let me vent without guilt so I can get it out and move past it. I am a very lucky, very blessed woman.

1 comment:

  1. that's so great - it's so important I think for them to feel like they still know what's going on....even if it's the bad or the ugly parts! :) good response chris!!!
