Tuesday, June 30, 2009

32 Weeks

Not much longer to go! In fact, when I was pregnant with Clara, I only made it to 33 weeks - hard to believe. This time I plan on carrying full term as I did with Jonathan, although I can't say that not having to carry this baby for 2 more months in the summer heat doesn't hold some appeal.

The days of sleeping on my tummy are over. I can't quite get comfortable at night, which is a bright side to Chris being on deployment. It leaves me with the whole bed to try and find a comfortable position. Sleeping on my back and belly are uncomfortable, and sleeping on my right side pinches a nerve that leaves me numb from about hip down. So on the left side it is for the most part. I haven't quite figured out how to situate the pillows this time around to make it more comfortable. I've gained about 27 lbs in total so far, but still 2 months to go. The baby sits high like Jonathan did, so that when I sit, he presses on my rib cage which can be uncomfortable, but also leaves me short of breath when I'm trying to read the kids a book or something that requires a lot of talking. He's still moving around a great deal - making my belly look like an amoeba. My belly button is already a partial 'outie', visible through just about any shirt I wear.

Despite all the changes, I seem to be in a bit of a state of denial or ignorance. I don't think it has fully dawned on me yet that I'm having a baby soon, which is both good and bad. Good, in terms of the fact that I am a worrier and if given the chance I'm sure I work myself into a tizzy about having this baby without Chris here (even though my parents will be here to fill in and help out), whether or not Jonathan will willingly share his room or even accept him for that matter, or if Clara's going to get lost in the shuffle because I do already view her as so independent and self-sufficient. Bad, in terms of I still don't have a name for this baby -- not a clue, and honestly I haven't been searching hard lately, though I need to start. There's just no sense of urgency in my mind, so hopefully something comes to me before this baby does!

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