Monday, June 29, 2009

Pool Time

Today's forecast called for 108 degree weather, so the kids and I took off for the pool to cool off and kill some time. We don't make it to the pool often, because the base pool here is very cold (even in 108 degree weather). Actually the big pool is not so bad temperature-wise, but Clara can barely stand on her own in the shallow end there, so she likes to hang on to me the whole time. Obviously, I still need to hold onto Jonathan the whole time as well, and since we've been here for 2 summers now without Chris, that just leaves me to hold onto two kids. Unless, that is we head into the kiddie pool, which is like swimming in refrigerator water. It literally took my breath away today when I dipped myself in just to cool off. On the bright side, the kiddie pool is only 1.5 feet deep, so it's not necessary for me to actually be in the water with the kids the whole time. Still it's so cold that Clara doesn't stay in long because she can't take the cold. Jonathan, on the other hand, doesn't seem to notice. Aside from the temperature, the kiddie pool is great. It's a nice size, fenced in with seating for the parents, and has a sun shade over the whole pool (which is also the reason the kids look blue in some of these pics). All in all, not a bad set up.

Getting used to the water temperature

They spent the first 30 minutes or so 'swimming' from one side to the other (which was actually just walking on their hands and kicking their feet behind them).

Clara 'swimming'

Jonathan also found it fun to just bounce around in the water

Mr. GQ, himself!

Time for posing again!

Clara's 'best princess pose'

Happy kids!

We came home just in time for lunch and nap. Hopefully it will be cooler outside once they wake up this afternoon.


  1. good grief - 108? that's ridiculous! i can't believe that in that weather the pool isn't any warmer! UGH!! i don't know what i'd do without our pool!

  2. That slide in the background looks awesome!!!
