Friday, June 26, 2009

Tiny Dancer

It has taken a while, but I finally received Clara's dance portraits in the mail today. I had to contact the studio, because they'd lost my order or something, but they printed the portraits up and got them to me quickly this time around.

Clara's class was actually only 3 girls, so I don't know all of the girls' names. They combined two small classes for the recital. (L-R: Haley, Jenna, ?, ?, Clara).

I wish they'd used the lighter background for all the pics, but here's Clara's solo pics.

(For the Grandparents, don't worry about saving these pics off the blog, I'll be sending you copies from my order.)


  1. What a little Princess. what do you mean don't save them off the blog??? Why wouldn't we save them from the blog. You can never have too many pictures of your grandchildren!!!!!

  2. she definitely looks like she LOVES dance - loves the costumes, getting all prettied up - and all of it!
