Thursday, June 25, 2009

Little Sayings

Jonathan is talking a lot these days. Still seems like a quiet child compared to Clara, but then just about any child would, but his speech is much more clear and the cutest things come out of his mouth sometimes. These are a few of my favorites that he says often:

According to Jonathan, this is "Circle dog"

Everytime he sees Clemson laying this way, he excitedly exclaims, "Circle dog! Circle dog!"

"That's awesome!"

"Aww, Man"

"Guess what, mom, guess what"
"What, Jonathan?"
"Tell you sumping."
"What do you want to tell me?"
There's not typically anything he actually wants to tell me, and if there is - it's never a complete thought. Still a couple times a day, every day, we have this conversation

One of my most favorite sayings is "Lot 'sum, Lot 'sum"
For example:
"Look at those flowers, mom"
"Oh yeah, they're pretty."
"Look, there's lots 'um, lots 'um."
"Yes, there are a lot of them."

1 comment:

  1. i think circle dog is my favorite - it makes PERFECT sense to me!
