Friday, July 31, 2009

Birthday Boy

I got the kids to bed early last night, knowing today would be a very long day. Clara had her last day of zoo camp this morning in Fresno from 9am-12pm, but I had a Dr. appointment here on base at 10:20am. So I had to get the kids up a little earlier than usual to get her to zoo camp, then drive the 45 minutes back base for my appointment, ran by the post office and the commissary (to pick up the cake) and then 45 minutes back to Fresno to pick Clara up again - whew! So I figured the kids should get a good night's sleep last night to prepare them for all the running around we'd be doing today.
Jonathan spotted an Applebee's the other day when we were driving around and asked to go, I suggested we save that for his birthday, and boy, is he excited! Because our day was already going to be so busy, and with Chris deployed, I figured going out for a nice dinner would be easier than trying to fit in a party somewhere.
This morning I walked into Jonathan's room to wake him up, singing 'Happy Birthday'. He looked at me with big eyes and said, "Is it my birthday already, Mom?" I said, "Yes!" He said, "Then I can go to Applebee's, OK Mom?" I said, "Yep, for dinner, after your nap...Aren't you excited you're 3 now." To which he said, "No I'm NOT...after my nap!" Apparently Applebbee's must be the deciding factor for his age!

Despite going to bed early and getting up early, we were still rushing to get out the door this morning (I had to get gas in the van or I was not going anywhere!) But first, I let Jonathan open one card he'd received from his Grandma Ginia and Grandpa Vic. Grandma Ginia had told me it had a button for him to wear on his special day...notice the 'Cool Kid' button on his shirt. I snapped a quick picture of him wearing it so we could get out the door, but he was already too busy singing 'Happy Birthday' to pose for the camera.

Jonathan's rendition of 'Happy Birthday'

He still has a whole stack of cards and presents to open. After his nap. Plus his Lightning McQueen cake (and even a few cards/gifts some people sent for Clara so she wouldn't feel left out!) Chris even called him while we were waiting for the doctor to see me. I think at this point he's most excited about Applebee's though...He told EVERYONE he saw today that it was his birthday, he's 3, and he's going to Applebee's after his nap...and he's not typically my talkative child :)

So far, a good (but busy) birthday!

1 comment:

  1. that is SO funny that he was so excited about Applebee's! Go figure!
