Friday, July 31, 2009

A New Furry Friend

Both of my kids have a special furry friend, one that has been around from the beginning. Gund makes a 'comfy cozy', which is a cross between a stuffed animal and a security blanket. They come in a variety of colors/animals, so it's easy to find the one that's right for your little one.
The theme for Clara's nursery was pink elephants, so it was easy to choose that special furry friend for her. Here she is when she was about 2 years old, dancing with her 'elephant pillow' as she calls it. He's not so bright white/pink anymore. There's more of a grey tinge to him now, and he no longer has to come with us everywhere we go, but he still gets to snuggle with her each night as she goes to sleep.

Jonathan's nursery theme was trains, but in some of the train cars on his quilt were little dogs, so we chose 'blue doggy' for his special friend. As you can see on that paw over Jonathan's head, 'blue doggy's paws have started to come apart, but Jonathan doesn't seem to mind one bit. 'Blue doggy' still gets to sleep with Jonathan as well, and is the number one choice for a cuddle partner when Jonathan's feeling a little sick or grumpy.
So with a new baby on the way, one of the worries on my mind was finding the perfect furry friend for him. (I know it doesn't seem like much of a thing to worry about, but that's the kind of thing I do). This baby won't get his own room, and coming so close to Jonathan (who's still sleeping in crib, as a toddler bed) will be sharing the same nursery bedding that was Jonathan's. (Especially, since Jonathan still won't sleep with a blanket, so to this day, the crib quilt has barely been used!) So I started looking on the Internet for a new furry friend. I should mention, that I have the worst luck shopping on the Internet. Every time I decide on a product, which can take me some time to begin with, I come to find out that it's been discontinued, and therefore, not so easy to find somewhere in stock. Well, I found the perfect furry friend for the new baby, and after weeks of searching to find someplace that still had one of these discontinued items, I finally received him in the mail today!

I chose carefully a brown bear (to help hide the dirt that accompanies years of snuggling).

His underside is a flannel that matches the star on his bottom on the reverse side. He's adorable and I can't wait to see him get the love and snuggles that have been given to the others that my kids have. I can't wait to see how that perfect furry friend can calm all worries and fussiness, just by being around. Now that we have the perfect furry friend, I'm ready for the baby!

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