Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cricket Catching

We're on another 'down' week around here, no swim lessons, or zoo camp, or anything else to get to for that matter. However, it's also been over 105 degrees outside every day for over a week and we still have at least a week of that to go. So the kids and I have been staying inside all day, and taking a walk in the evenings, after dinner, as it gets dark. It means a later bed time for the kids, but with no place to be, that's not a big deal. The kids need the outside time and the exercise. I enjoy the weather, but some days my ankles are so swollen at that point in the evening, that I can't say the actual walking part is enjoyable for me. Last night Clara decided to bring along her bug jar so she could catch crickets along the way. By the end of the walk she had caught 6 of them and promptly named them after her friends on the street. Proud of her cricket catching abilities, she said to me, "I'm not just left-handed when I catch crickets...I can catch them with my right hand too! I use both hands. That's pretty cool, huh?"

1 comment:

  1. that's so funny! i'm not only impressed that she caught 6 of them - but is ambidextrous at that!! :)
