Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Random Pics before Swimming

When Chris was getting ready to leave for deployment, we debated who would get custody of the new camera. After all, he had bought it for me, but surely he was going to have the opportunity see some much cooler things in ports during his deployment. Not to mention, he had actually done more reading, and experimenting with the camera. I was a little concerned about the safety of the camera if it went with him. He had spent so much on it, and I was sure it would get lost or broken if he took it. Not so much that I lacked faith in Chris, but it's easy to leave things behind in hotel rooms in port, and when you share a room on a ship with other people, it's easy for things to get misplaced or damaged. At the same time, the camera is rather large, so I'm more likely to just take along my little 'point-and-shoot' camera when I already have 2 kids, a purse, and a diaper bag to contend with everywhere I go. In the end, Chris decided if he left the camera home with me, I'd be able to get some use out of it and at a minimum, take some really cool pics of our new addition when he's born in a month. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't relieved by Chris' decision to leave the camera behind, but I hadn't used it until last week for the kids swim lessons. I got some really cool pics of the kids while we were waiting for their lesson to begin.

Not many can look this beautiful with goggles on!

Work it, Girl!

On this particular day Jonathan was mad at me because I didn't go back in the house to get a book for him to bring along in the van. He'd had it in his hand, ready to walk out the door, but for some reason put it down and left without it. When he got in the van and realized Clara had a book, he decided he wanted his back and wanted me to go get it. I spend far too much time going back in the house to get something the kids left behind, even though they always get a 5 minute warning, to go potty, get on shoes, grab a toy, book, sun glasses...anything. So I took a stand and refused to go back in anymore...this was the result, that pitiful look and a whole bunch of pouting! Might be frustrating to deal with, but makes a cute picture :)

Can you feel the pain?!

Not gonna smile.

Even Clara tried to help cheer him up by picking him some flowers, but as you can see he was not having it. He carried this pout all the way into swim lessons. His teacher even asked why he was so grumpy because he wouldn't sing the 'Batman song' while he was swimming as he apparently would typically. I explained to her that it was 'my fault', but within just a few minutes she had him smiling and splashing - book, forgotten!


  1. it's always the mom's fault, isn't it? it appears you have 2 very dramatic children! :) and i'm glad you won the camera battle!

  2. I posted the picture of Jonathan pouting on the big screen here at work with a caption that says "See grumpiness is hereditary, and I am passing it on"...and Clara's posing photo with the caption "Luckily, so is cuteness"
