Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Clara's Swim Lessons

We just finished up this year's swim lessons last week. The last 2 weeks, for a half hour every day, we headed to Hammond Swim School for the kids' lessons. Thursday and Friday of last week I got to tag along and take pictures of all the things Clara and Jonathan had learned in their swim lessons. The kids had a great time, though Jonathan didn't want to let on that he was enjoying it. Neither kid is really swimming on their own yet, but both made major improvements over last year.

Clara finally learned how to keep her butt and her feet up so she can float.

Keep that chin up!

Time to kick and paddle with her hands.

Big kicks

Clara swimming underwater!

So proud of herself (as am I!)

Swimming back to the steps

Almost there!

Jumping off the wall to her teacher, Mrs. Mary.

Look at her go!

Another jump off the wall

Big Splash!

Jumping off the diving board.

She's still a little apprehensive about it, but she did better pushing down that fear this year and being brave. I am so proud of her.

Her teacher said she's right on the edge of swimming. Clara has figured out that she needs to move her body to stay afloat. She has begun to figure out how to move her body, but not in a way that really moves her along. She's kicking and moving her arms, but not really going anywhere. Still, she's trying, doing a great job...and having fun with it all the while!

1 comment:

  1. it sounds like she is VERY close then. just keep her in the pool - i bet she'll be swimming on her own before the end of the summer!
