Monday, July 20, 2009

Jonathan's Swim Lessons

Everyday when we got ready to head to swim lessons, Jonathan would start whining, "I don't wanna go to 'fwim' lessons!"..."Not the blue diaper, the white one!"..."No 'fwimsuit', just clothes, okay mom?" So after the first day of putting Jonathan in his swim diaper at home and listening to him whine for the full 15 min trip to swim lessons, I started dressing him in normal clothes at home, only to change him in the back of the van once we arrived at swim lessons. Then I only had to listen to him whine once we pulled up, and that didn't give him near enough time to get really worked up - since it was all fake anyway. Everyday I'd walk him in as he continued to whine, "I don't want to 'fwim', I just wanna sit next to Sissy." Jonathan's lessons were private, 1 on 1, lessons due to his age, where as Clara was in a class of 5. Jonathan wanted to be able to sit on the steps with the big kids. His teacher allowed him to start every class sitting on the steps just like the big kids, but quickly was able to get him in the water swimming. Everyday when I went back to pick up the kids, Jonathan was standing on the pool deck with Clara and would start doing his happy dance as soon as he saw me and say, "I had fun fwimming, mom." Sure enough the next day he would whine the whole way in again -- for the full 2 weeks. Of course, even that is a drastic improvement from last year when he spent the full 2 weeks crying through the whole lesson.

Just check out these pics and see how much Jonathan 'hated' swim lessons this year!

At the start of class, sitting on the steps

That smile is certainly indicative of the torture he went through!

Swimming underwater to the wall

Posing for the camera

More swimming with his face in the water

Look at him go!

Obviously he hated his teacher, Ms. Maureen, too!

My little flirt!

Taking a break.

Found his Pockets

Jumping to Ms. Maureen off the wall

Check out that smile! One day I went to pick him up, and his teacher said he didn't want to stop jumping off the diving board!


So we finished up swim lessons this past Friday and just because my son likes to torture me, he has started whining every morning since then, "I wanna go to 'fwim lessons'!" I can't win with that kid!!!!


  1. yeah - he definitely looks like he was miserable!!! Were the lessons at the base? How much difference a year makes, right!!

  2. I just saw all the swim pics. Jonathan's wouldn't open last time, they all worked now. He certainly was having a blast. I can't believe he tortured you before, then had that much fun once he got there! What a little punk.
