Friday, July 17, 2009

Kings County Fair

Last weekend one of my neighbors and I got together to take our kids to the fair. It was shockingly expensive, so we didn't stick around long or do much, but here are a few of the pics I took while we were there.

The first ride the kids did was the carousel...well, everyone, but Jonathan. I wasn't allowed on ANY of the rides since I'm pregnant and Jonathan wasn't about to go on the carousel without me. My poor neighbor had to go on to watch after Clara and her two kids all on her own. Clara was the oldest of all the kids, but she's not too keen on being on a carousel without someone standing right next to her either. Talk about fun!

We found a train ride that was more their style. Clara and Jonathan sat on one side, with Connor and Ella on the other.

Clara tried getting all the kids to yell, "Choo, choo." Jonathan really liked the train.

They had a 'mini-circus' at the fair as well, which was really just a couple of clowns doing a show. The kids enjoyed it, except Connor. His mom discovered he had a fear of clowns as she tried to walk him into the tent, so it was my turn to do something on my own with 3 kids (a little practice never hurt anyone!) At the end of the circus show, they invited all the kids on stage for a dance contest. Both Clara and Jonathan made it to the second round. Clara made it to the third round and wound up with 2nd place...only because the other kid pulled out the centipede! :)

2nd place won her that balloon animal - a poodle!

One last ride for the girls - the teacups. Clara remembered them from Dinseyland, and was really excited to get to ride them again.

Like I said the fair was super expensive. You expect some expense when going to a fair, but in a small town such as this, it was outrageous, so we cut out a little early and went to dinner instead. Still, the kids had fun and that's all that matters!

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