Friday, July 10, 2009


Yep! Today was 'Cow Appreciation Day' at Chick-fil-A, and since my husband was kind enough to teach Clara how to read, she figured it out all on her own a few weeks back and roped me in. I knew they do this every year, but wasn't sure I'd have the nerve to join in. However, when your 5 year old looks at you and excitedly asks, "Can we do this, mom?", well, sometimes your heart speaks before your brain. Clara read all about this day on the kids' meal bag a few weeks ago when we stopped into Chick-fil-A for lunch, and since then I've gotten the countdown ("Not this Friday, but next Friday....only 3 more days!..."). There was no chance I was going to back out of this one. The manager took our picture as soon as we walked in, and brought it to us in a souvenir picture frame/folder while we were eating. The cow picture above was on the front cover.

...and this was the picture she took. Notice Clara's hand placement! When I first opened the folder to take a look at the picture, I just about fell out of the booth laughing. Clara didn't understand why this was so funny to me. Of course, when we were putting on our costumes in the parking lot and Clara first noticed the udders, her first response was, "That's your cow front" (a term we have used to refer to our private area in the past)." I said, "No, that's where the milk comes from. They're called 'udders'." She then got very excited and said, "You're the mommy cow and we're the baby cows, so do we get to drink milk from your 'boobies'?" I suddenly had visions of being kicked out of Chick-fil-A for 'nursing' my children on my 'udders' and strongly cautioned her against it. Thankfully, she didn't put up a fight!

The cutest cow I've ever seen!

I found these raincoats at Target in the garden section and they were clearanced down to $2.50. I can't make cow parts for cheaper. My costume was borrowed from my husband's Commanding Officer's Wife, a.k.a. COW (she was given it, and forced to wear it once, as a bit of an act of hazing). Can you believe she didn't want to wear it again?

A new type of camouflage. They had cow print table cloths on all the tables, so we blended right in! The first 5 min after we sat down, we were surrounded by people asking if it was OK to take our picture. Everyone was raving about how cute the kids were. I asked one of the crowd to take our picture with my camera, too. The whole time Clara was eating, Clara kept saying, "Free chicken is good. I never had free chicken before. It tastes just like the regular stuff only it's free." I swear I don't typically make her pay for her own meals, but you would've thought I did.

Can you tell my kids are enamoured by the Chick-fil-A Cow?!

By the time we left, we had made it to their poster board that greeted everyone just inside the door. We're on the lower left, next to the 'black cow with white spots'.

Clara told me as we got into the car, "Mom, this was the best day, EVER!"...Sometimes I wonder about her.


  1. Oh am I gonna have fun with these pictures on my locker at work. I'll have to make sure my three cows are big enough for everyone to see. Not everyone can have pictures like this!!!!

  2. Just think, one week prior to this you were having a not so good 4th of July. I was there yesterday going through the drive thru and noticed the cow walking around but had no idea it was such a special day. Clara's comments are priceless! Thanks for the laugh today.

  3. oh my word - that is absolutely hilarious! you definitely win the prize torie! you just should have gone for all THREE meals! That's the BEST!
