Saturday, July 4, 2009

Not so Happy 4th of July

It seems like I've been saying it a lot lately, but the kids and I are still having a difficult time getting things on track since Chris left. Things haven't been horrible, but it's been anything but smooth sailing around here lately. Seems like we only get 2-3 good days at a time and then a bad day hits us with a vengeance. Maybe this pregnancy just has me at a more emotional state that has left me feeling ill-prepared to deal with the typical inconveniences life brings. After all, I can't really say anything has gone horribly wrong, it's just that not much seems to be going right. I realize that I am so blessed and so fortunate, and so many have it so much worse than I do, but then I have a day like today and I just want to curl up in a ball and cry.

I thought I was doing good this morning, taking advantage of not having to get Jonathan to Little Gym since they're closed for the holiday, and instead took the cat to the vaccination clinic our vet does on the first Saturday of every month. She was about 4 months past due, but this was the first month we didn't have conflicting plans (postcard came late, Chris leaving, Clara's recital...). On the way home, some nice person pulled alongside me on the freeway to let me know my driver's side front tire was low on air - way low. I have never really had to deal with a flat on my own, so I was not looking forward to having to for the first time. I know a flat is a minor thing, especially when it's one like this, a slow leak, not one that leaves you stranded on the side of the road, but it was not the way I wanted to start my morning today. I made it home, aired up the tire (with my neighbor's help) and headed into town again to Wal-mart to have it fixed. I'm thankful for Wal-mart's automotive department when I have to get work done on the car (oil changes, tires) and have to bring the kids along with me. It only took about 90 minutes and the kids were cooperative, so we made it home in time for naps, looking forward to a better finish to our day.

After naps, Jonathan was jumping in our recliner. I had just told him to stop or he was going to get hurt. However, instead of making him get out of the chair, as any knowing mother would, I then walked out of the room to go begin making dinner. No sooner than I walked into the next room, Jonathan was crying. He came to see me and blood was coming from his mouth. It took a while for me to locate the source, but somehow he managed to split the gingiva in front of his upper right front tooth. The gingiva is split from both sides of that tooth up towards the lip so that it can flap back a little. All the teeth are stable, and I wasn't sure there was much to be done, but I needed to hear that from a professional, so I took Clara to the neighbor's house (the same one who'd helped me with the tire in the morning) and ran Jonathan up to the Urgent Care Clinic. Sure enough, nothing to be done, just give him Tylenol and keep an eye on the area. It should heal itself within a week. We were home in time to collect Clara from the neighbor's and still head out to see the fireworks. My original plan was to watch them at a distance as we did last year, since Clara's not so keen on loud noises, but I found a good spot that was closer and decided to try it out. BIG mistake. We even ran into my helpful neighbors and sat with them (I wouldn't blame them if they act as if they don't know me after today)! Clara decided she had to go potty just before the show started, so we started the long trek in search of a bathroom when the show started. It was loud...Clara screamed and screamed. Eventually, Jonathan decided there must be good reason so he joined in. We were no where near our van anymore, and I still have no idea where the bathrooms were. Clara insisted we go home, which was fine by me at this point, but she refused to walk back toward the van since it was in the general direction of the fireworks. Instead she pulled me back and screamed. Eventually I was able to drag her back to the van (my helpful neighbor helped me gather our chairs), and we were on our way...or not. The police blocked all exits for the duration of the show, so I had no choice but to stay. The kids then started screaming because we weren't leaving. It was horrible! Thankfully it wasn't a long show, but we still got caught in all the traffic. I cautioned the kids not to say another word until we got home. Jonathan ended up falling asleep in the van and Clara stayed pretty quiet. They are now in bed, hopefully preparing for a much better day tomorrow.

Like I said, all petty things gone wrong, but I've had my fill. I did take some time to snap some pics of the kids between our visit to the Urgent Care Clinic and our nightmare with the fireworks.

It's a little blurry, but still very cute!

You have no idea how long it took me to get a picture where BOTH kids were looking.

Jonathan showing off his tattoo

Clara's tattoo

Before the real fireworks show started, some people in a nearby neighborhood were setting of some fireworks of their own.

This is Clara counseling Jonathan on "Don't worry, they're not too loud. I'm right here, it's OK!" Gotta love the irony!

I hope everyone else had a great 4th of July, and took the chance to think about what it really means in terms of our freedom and independence, and the men and women who protect it.


  1. Moms are SO allowed to have moments of sheer poopiness and frustration. I think you hold up better than most;) Hang in there sweets!

  2. I certainly think I'd forego the fireworks next year. It is amazing how such innocent looking children can in a space of seconds go from perfect to perfectly horrendous. I love the pictures of Clara telling Jonathan it will all be OK and she's there to help him. Hope Jonathan's muth isn't too uncomfortable for him. Reminds of a little girl who was angry at her mother for making her carry somthing and fell down the steps in Jax Beach--never saw so much blood for such a small cut. Glad it was nothing serious. You are doing great. Hang in there.

  3. UGH Torie!! That's a rough day - thank heavens for good neighbors!!! Those days are the hardest - and yes, you are allowed to have bad days! you're doing a great job. And i'm so thankful for not only our soldiers, but for our soldiers' families that make the sacrifice as well for our freedom!
