Friday, July 3, 2009

It's a Circus Around Here!

Well, OK...that's because I took the kids to see the circus today, but really, how different is that than any other day? The kids were excited to go, but after about 45 minutes they'd had their fill. It was a bit of sensory overload for me, as well. I didn't mind watching the show, but I could have done without the constant circus music. I think the kids need more talking to stay with the show. There wasn't much talking throughout this show, and it was difficult to understand when they did. Clara and Jonathan are always glued to the live shows we go to, even when we've gone to see plays at the children's theatre, but this just didn't seem to be their thing, unless animals were the performers, that is.

Their anticipation was so great at the beginning of the show, I couldn't get them to look at the camera for a single picture.

Opening ceremony...During the National Anthem.

Clara liked the horses. Here, all the 'like' horses matched themselves up. Clara thought it was cool that they could find their own groups.

At this point, he was still very interested in the show.


The acrobats -- this sort of stuff was pretty much lost on my kids...except Clara did enjoy the costumes.

Riding a bike on a tight rope...once again, completely lost on my kids. Clara had no idea they were on a rope, and when I told her, she just said, "Why?" (Like, what idiot would do that?)

Each tiger is sitting on the back of another. Clara was only interested in "why is there a white tiger?" and "how come some don't have stripes?"...I can't say I had answers either.

The tigers didn't seem friendly at all. I don't know if that was part of the act, or if they're just tired of being treated like circus animals. I held my breath the whole time, just praying not to have an incident, thinking how awful that would be for my kids to watch. Thankfully, for everyone, everything went fine!

This was Clara toward the end of the show, tired and over the circus. It could have to do with the fact that she was so excited this morning she got up at 6:45am (typical wake-up time around here is closer to 8:30 am). We went to an early showing (11:30am), so we wouldn't have to deal with crowds and such since the kids and I were braving it without Chris. Clara actually said to me, "Do you know why this circus thing is taking so long?" Maybe we're just not circus people :)

Finally, the end of the 'Greatest Show on Earth'

The finale.

I wouldn't say we had a bad time, just that it's not really our thing. I haven't been to the circus since I was in high school and I remember thinking it was pretty cool. (I even got to be in it!) But either this show wasn't as cool or my perspective has changed quite drastically. And honestly, I love it that my kids are more into theatre shows than the circus...I have to agree with them!

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