Thursday, July 2, 2009

Paging all Doctors...

Today I had a routine OB appointment and I had to take the kids along with me. I've done it plenty times before, but I was worried this time because I'd had no choice but to schedule the appointment for the time when naps generally begin. I was worried I'd have 2 grumpy kids in tow, but I was pleasantly surprised instead! On the way out of the hospital, we picked up two of the masks they leave all around for you in case you come in sick, so as not to spread your germs any more than necessary. The kids are having a blast with them!

Dr. Clara

Dr. Jonathan

'Stein Family Practice'

I think the look suits them well :)

My appointment went well, as expected. Everything's still going along as planned. I even ALMOST got my c-section scheduled, but the doctor I was seeing today realized she was on leave the week I'm due to have it, and I guess she can't schedule the c-section for other doctors. I'll try again next time, as I know it will give my parents some peace of mind as to when to be here. My next appointment is in 2 weeks. I'll be seeing a doctor I haven't seen before, so we'll see how that goes. But for now, the baby is healthy, I have no real complaints, and as you can see I have 2 of the best doctors in town living right here with me :-)

Who could ask for more?

1 comment:

  1. the kids look ADORABLE in the masks!! glad your appointment went well!!
