Wednesday, August 5, 2009

3 years

Jonathan had his 3 year well child appointment today. I didn't drag the camera with me like I did last year, but I wish I had. They did all the normal stuff, checked his vitals, gave him a hearing and sight test, all followed by the check-up with the doctor. When we first walked back and Jonathan realized we were there for him, he started to protest. He has accompanied me to so many of my OB appointments lately that I had hoped he would be comfortable at the doctor's office by now. While he did protest at first, once we calmed him down he quickly realized how nice everyone was and how much fun it can be at the doctor's. He stood on the scale no problem this time, and up against the wall for his height. He's at 35.2 lbs and 37.75 inches tall. It was the blood pressure cuff that got him a little riled up. The same kid who looks at me at the OB every couple weeks, and says, "Is it giving you a bear hug, Mom?", did not want a bear hug himself. I was able to distract him long enough to get the job done, but as soon as the nurse took it off, he asked in the most pitiful voice, "I'm done now, right?" Nope, we need to take your temperature. Thankfully, they use those super quick temple thermometers..."I'm done now, right?" Nope, gotta check the circumference of your head. It was actually counting out the numbers on the paper ruler that had distracted him through the BP monitoring, so he wasn't too upset about seeing 'how many numbers were on his head'.
Then it was time to go play some games...the sight and hearing tests. First, the nurse asked him to identify the 4 shapes he'd be reading off the chart, and then handed him the plastic thing to 'cover one eye like a pirate'. Jonathan was all ready to play this game! He did as he was asked, covered one eye and said, "Arrr, I'm a pirate!" He read out the shapes as well as he could, but he got quite a few wrong (in my opinion) as they got further down the chart. The doctor said it's nothing to be alarmed about at this point, "he sees as well as he should for this age". But being my child, I would not be surprised to find that he needs glasses come next year's appointment. For the hearing test, the nurse set him up with the ear phones ( I was surprised he left them on), and explained to him to raise a hand when he heard the tone and put the hand down when it went away. He responded as though he understood, and he looked adorable with the little earphones on, but didn't quite do as asked. Instead he kept looking at the nurse and saying, "It went went away again." Every time the tone sounded and went away. Too Cute.
By the time we were placed in the exam room, Jonathan was completely comfortable (even having fun) at the doctor's office. We have a wonderful pediatrician here who takes the time to talk to the kids, not just the parent when he comes in the room and Jonathan was in the mood to talk today!
Dr. Gage asked Jonathan some questions to assess his knowledge of colors, shapes and animals (all of which he got right, of course) and then proceeded with the physical check up (looking in ears, eyes, nose...checking belly, leg joints and diaper region). As the doctor looked in Jonathan's ears, Jonathan informed us that he heard the ocean. I asked him what the ocean sounded like and he held his index finger up to his lips and said, "shhh!" As the doctor checked Jonathan's abdomen, he made Donald duck noises each time he pressed on Jonathan's tummy. Jonathan thought that was the greatest! All evening Jonathan has told me and anyone else who would listen, "I went to the doctor's appointment. The man checked me up. He go *duck sound* when he checked my belly! Ah ha ha ha!"
So he's healthy and may have just turned that corner for realizing the doctor's office isn't such a bad place after all. Of course it helped that he was already up to date on his shots, and therefore, didn't get any today! Can't complain about a doctor's appointment that goes that well!

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