Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Note to Daddy

Clara went in her room today, "to play by herself for a little while". A little while later she came out with this for Chris. She had written it all by herself. It's the first full note she's ever written on her own. I asked her to read it to me and then we stuck it in an envelope to send to Daddy (she's hoping it will bring her a letter in return). It took everything in me not to cry as she read it to me.

"It is for Daddy
I love you. Have
a good time. It is
time for me
to go, but I to(?)
know that I love
you. I want you
to love me too
Love, Clara"

(I did assure her that Daddy does, and will always love her).


  1. This is absolutely precious. Good job Clara. I know that your Daddy will really like this card.

  2. I am totally impressed. You did a fantastic job Clara, and I know your Daddy misses you too and loves you very much. I love you too and will see you soon.

  3. Wow...that will brighten up daddy's day when he receives it.
