Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Big News, Little Guy

I've been away from the computer for a couple days, but with good reason...My little guy decided not to wait any longer to come meet his family!
That's right:
Matthew Caleb Stein was born August 15th at 8:23pm
He was 5lbs and 15 oz, 18.5 in long.
There were some complications that led him to his early arrival, but nothing we couldn't handle. He and I were both discharged from the hospital tonight at about 8:30pm. He has already been fed and sent off to bed, and I'm about to join him, but I wanted to share the good news first. I promise pictures next time!


  1. Oh Torie - congratulations!! I never even THOUGHT about the possibility of him coming so early - I just assumed he'd comply with the scheduled C-section!!! I guess he couldn't wait any longer. I'll be anxiously awaiting pictures and hearing the story -I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing well. Get some sleep when you can!!

  2. Yeah! How exciting! Dave and I and Baby Chaz are thrilled for you!... uh, who is there helping you???
    Oh, and I love the Hannah Montana CD agreement you made... you are such a good mom! I will have to remember that one. It is a great way to help her learn how to follow though and complete her goal!
    Hope you get lots of rest tonight!
