Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sneak Peek

I'm not quite up to sharing the whole story, but I figured the least I could do was post some pics.

Clara Elizabeth and Matthew Caleb

(What an AWESOME big sister!)

Jonathan Michael and Matthew Caleb

(He's so excited to have a baby brother despite what it looks like in the picture.)

The Stein Kids!

Leaving the hospital

Getting ready to go outside and hang out for the first time.

We're still doing great -- I'm still adjusting, so be patient with me getting to the story, but I know everyone just wants to see pics anyway.


  1. he is SOOO cute and so little bitty! clara looks SO proud to finally be able to hold him...and now jonathan REALLY looks grown up! can't wait to hear the story behind this cutie pie!! hope you are getting some rest and's hard i know!

  2. What a doll! Torie, he is so adorable! Glad to see you guys are doing well... get some rest and let your older 2 help with as much as possible, I am sure they are eager and waiting to "help" you!
    Love you!
