Monday, August 24, 2009

Grandma Ginia and Grandpa Vic

My in laws have been telling me for the last 2 years with as much as Chris has been gone, that if I ever needed them, just call and they would be here. Matthew's arrival put that call into action. Saturday night I had Matthew, and with everything going on I didn't even think to call them until my mother asked if I had. It was already past midnight at that point so I decided to wait until the next day. I was not able to call long distance from my hospital room and my cell phone had no reception in the hospital, so when Chris called at 3am Sunday morning, he said he'd call them for me. First thing Monday morning they were here to take over the care of Clara and Jonathan from my neighbors and to help me out as well. It was great to have them come.

Jonathan read a book to Grandpa Vic

Clara read a good night story to Grandma Ginia and Jonathan

Tuesday night Grandma Ginia picked Matthew and I up and brought us home from the hospital. Clemson greeted him once we got in the house. He did great. He remembered to stay calm. He leaned in for a quick sniff and then let Matthew be.

The kids had already been sent to bed, but the commotion of our homecoming brought them out into the living room to greet us as well. I got quick hugs and then all the attention was quickly turned to Matthew.

Jonathan loves nothing more than holding his new baby brother. The next night I was trying to get the kids off to bed so I could nurse Matthew and Jonathan just wanted to hold him. So I let each of the kids snuggle Matthew really quick as I tucked them in. You can see Matthew was just hungry, but it made both Clara and Jonathan really happy to snuggle him for just a second!


  1. i'm so glad they were able to come out as quickly as they did!! And to be there for Matthew's homecoming too - how fun!!! I love the pictures of the kids getting their snuggle time with their sweet brother! :)

  2. Wow, he is just beautiful! I am glad to see you all are home and getting adjusted again! Keep those pics comin'!
    Love you guys!
