Sunday, August 30, 2009

Clara's First Day of School

August 17th was Clara's first day of Kindergarten. When I first found out I was pregnant with Matthew, I was worried I would miss Clara's first day of school, but as time went on I thought I had it all figured out. I thought for sure I'd be able to see Clara off for her first day of school and have a week for her to adjust before I had Matthew...wrong again! Apparently, Matthew also wanted to be around for Clara's first day of school! Thankfully my neighbors pulled together and saw Clara off to her first day. The first day of Kindergarten was actually an orientation for the parents. My neighbor, Carrie, was kind enough to sit in Clara's class in my place.

Here she is heading to her first day of school. It wasn't at all chilly that morning, but for some reason she insisted on wearing a jacket.

By the second day, my in laws had arrived to see Clara off for what would be her first day of actually going to class. Here's Grandpa Vic helping her with her name tag.

Clara at school

A picture with Grandma Ginia

After dropping Clara off at school, she has time to play on the playground with her friends before school starts.

She loves playing on the playground

When it's time for school to start, the teacher blows the whistle twice. All the kids are to 'freeze' at the first whistle. At the second whistle, the kids walk to their lines to go into the classroom. (That's just how they did it when I was in school!)

Clara with her teacher, Mrs. Ward.

At the end of the day, Mrs. Ward leads the kids out in line. They stand up against the wall as she goes through the kids one by one, making sure each child is picked up by their parents. It wasn't until Friday of Clara's first week that I was actually able to pick her up myself.

Clara just finished up her second week of school with this award from her teacher. She's adjusting to school fantastically. She loves learning all these new things, new ways of learning things and comes home each day and tries to teach them to Jonathan. Jonathan misses Clara each morning when she's off at school. I think he's actually having the more difficult time adjusting to her new school schedule, but overall we're doing great!

1 comment:

  1. Of COURSE she's loving it! She's going to have a GREAT year and really flourish, I'm sure. The jacket thing is HILARIOUS!
