Sunday, August 30, 2009

Princesses and Picnics

Understandably we've had a lot going on around here lately. Matthew was born early, Clara started school and we've had company now for 2 weeks, between my in laws and my parents coming to help us adjust. My parents leave this Friday, the 4th. Having company has brought on it's own set of adjustments. My parents have set up camp in my room, so Matthew and I are camping out in Clara's room. Clara is bunking with Jonathan in his room. The kids adjusted to these changes really well at first, but as time has gone on, I think everyone is just ready to have their own space back...not to sound ungrateful for the company we've had. The kids seem to have adjusted well to the coming of the baby and the start of school, it's the company that seems to have taken it's toll on them. Clara has found her attitude and Jonathan has resorted to whining about EVERY little thing. Of course it helps that they stay up playing for hours after I've put them to bed since they're currently sharing a room.

A couple of Clara's friends (and our neighbors) celebrated birthdays this past week. To celebrate, their moms took a bunch of girls to a place in the mall called 'My Girl' today. It's one of those places where they do the girls' hair, nails and make up. Typically I tend to think Clara's not quite old enough for that sort of thing yet, but right now I think it's just the sort of thing she needs, so I allowed her to go along. She needs a little extra attention these days and certainly to feel included with all her friends. My parents headed to the coast for a few days, so it was just me and the boys today.

Clara came back home with hair and a tiara fit for a princess, a little makeup, nail polish, glitter and a huge smile on her face!

Here she is with Haley, one of her friends who lives up the street.

The boys and I had a special day too. We got McDonald's for lunch and had a picnic in the front yard.

I was taking a lot of pics of Matthew (which I'll share later) and Jonathan decided he needed a photo shoot as well!

Yep, He's winking at me!

Loving on Matthew

Ever since I had Matthew, I can't get over how BIG Jonathan is. He's huge compared to Matthew...and all this time I've been thinking Jonathan was still my baby.


  1. I'm SO Excited to finally see pictures of little Matthew - he is SO precious! Your header is absolutely beautiful with all the shots of him! Jonathan looks HUGE - and Clara looks beautiful from her girly girl time!

    And I understand about the company. I always feel that way - the help is SO nice, but you also sort of need to get back to normal, so the other kids can get back to normal too!!!

  2. Hopefully things can now get back to normal for you. Next time we won't stay as long. After I made all the arrangements I thought maybe I should have planned a shorter visit. Now we know!

  3. Well, it is kinda of a problem when people lea e and everyone gets a good night's sleep and are chipper the morning after. It ususally means the "company" has overstayed". I used to love it when my parents came, and never really thought of them as "company" and always wanted them to stay longer, but my mohter was always smart enough to not stay as long as we did. Like I say, if there is a next time, we will know. I'm just glad everyone is happy now.
