Friday, September 18, 2009

Date with Daddy

Last Friday I surprised the kids with a date with Daddy. The base/ship set up the day for Video Teleconferencing (VTC), and the kids and I signed up for a slot. We originally were going to skip it, because they were only allowing 10 minutes slots. Chris and I agreed that to get the 3 kids ready to and to the place where the VTC was to take place, all for just 10 minutes of face time wasn't quite worth it. Then, the night before, I received a call from the CO's wife letting me know that there were still slots open, and since not many people had signed up, and since we had a new baby, they would allow me a longer time slot. So we jumped at the chance, but since it was a last minute thing, I didn't want to let the kids know what we were doing in case it fell through. So the kids found out just seconds before Chris walked into the TV screen that we were going to chat with him. They were soooo excited!

It was hard to keep them in their seats. They kept wanting to touch the TV, but then Chris couldn't see them since the camera was right on top of the TV.

Chris got to see Matthew for the first time in 'real time' and this is how we saw him. We had 20 minutes with him and it was great to see him and speak with him. However, it left me sad. The kids were so excited to see him on the TV, and they were so happy and hyper that Chris couldn't help but laugh at them through most of those 20 minutes. It was heartbreaking for me to see the smiles on every one's faces and know how much everyone just wanted to be together...especially to know Chris had to walk away from that alone, while the kids and I still have each other for comfort and company. I often think Chris has the harder part of the deal - to be away from his family and miss all the day-to-day stuff.

On the bright side -- only about a month left at most until we are all together, for the first time, a family of five!


  1. oh my gosh, Torie, I can totally relate. This was really hard to read with out tearing up. I know that sinking feeling you get in your tummy when you walked away without Chris. I am glad he will be home soon!

  2. oh torie - i just can't even imagine. your heart must be totally swelled up from that, and yet so broken at the same time! i'm glad you were able to have to real time together - even if it was short, and i'm hoping this last month FLIES by - for everyone's sake!!!
