Friday, September 18, 2009


I love looking in the rear view mirror of my van now. Well, initially I became obsessed with it because of how quiet Matthew is. I am constantly afraid I'm going to forget him some place. There's no way I could possibly leave Clara or Jonathan somewhere without noticing right away, it would be way too quiet! But Matthew scarcely makes a sound unless he's hungry, so I find myself constantly looking in the rear view mirror just to be sure he's still with us.

But now, I love looking back there and seeing the full back seat - Clara, Jonathan and Matthew. It helps me to reflect on how lucky and blessed I am...that Chris and I were on the same page about how many kids would make our family complete, that the Lord saw fit to bless us with 3 beautiful, healthy children and that I get to be home with them and share in every part of their day. I look forward to watching them grow into themselves, and hope they'll always want to have me along for the ride!

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