Saturday, October 17, 2009

Back to Blogging

It's been quite a while since my last post and I apologize. I was hoping to keep up with it more, but lately my hands have been a little full...literally! Matthew loves to be held and I believe he has been going through a growth spurt the past few weeks, because he's always nursing. It came to a point that I wasn't able to put him down so I started giving him a bottle of formula each day when it seems as though I've been nursing for 3 hours straight. He takes the formula quickly and then typically will fall asleep, allowing me to put him down for a while. It's actually great! I get the best of both worlds, the magic and bond of nursing, with the convenience of being able to leave him with any one as long as there's a bottle of formula to go with him!
So now it's time to catch up!


  1. i've MISSED you!!! Did you just post all this stuff today???? my computer JUST now updated that you have updated your blog....and i see that I've missed ALOT!!!!!!
