Saturday, October 17, 2009

Dennis the Menace Park

A couple weekends ago, the kids and I loaded up the van and headed to Monterey to get away for a little while. We left after Clara got out of school Friday and just went for the night, returning home Saturday night. I was a little worried to be travelling alone with the 3 kids, but they did great and we had a lot of fun. Friday night we got to Monterey with just enough time to go hang out at the 'Dennis the Menace Park'. It was designed by Hank Ketchum, the creator of the Dennis the Menace comic strip. It's a huge park with something to entertain every kid of any age!
Clara and Jonathan getting ready to cross the suspension bridge

Coming back down to me!

Jonathan the Steam Engine...Chuga-chuga-choo-choo!

Clara the Rock Climber

Since it was just me there with the 3 kids and I couldn't be everywhere at once, I made it clear to Clara that she needed to stick with Jonathan. I was never too far away, but I forgot to bring the baby bjorn from home and the stroller couldn't get through all the sand on the playground. Clara did great staying with Jonathan and still making her way around the park to see all that she wanted to see.

This is how Matthew enjoyed the park!

Down the coil-spring slide

Jonathan's turn

They say this is a moon, but the kids and I agree that it looks more like the sun to us

Roller Slide -- I used to LOVE these when I was a kid, but you don't see them much anymore!

Some things never change, My kids loved it too!


...with Jonathan right behind

Playing school

More climbing

Jonathan, too!
The kids had a blast! They love this park. It was the perfect way to end our day and for them to let off all that pent up energy after being confined in the van for 3 hours to get there!

1 comment:

  1. we went there as kids -we were stationed in monterey for a few years and i LOVED that park!!!
