Saturday, October 17, 2009

17 Mile Drive

I decided that I would not leave Monterey again without driving along the scenic coast via '17 Mile Drive'. I've seen pictures others have taken and it takes my breath away. I have wanted to do it the past few times we've gone to Monterey, but for one reason or another we never made it there. My parents even went there while they were visiting here a couple months ago. It was well worth the drive, I wish I hadn't waited so long to do it. The kids weren't nearly as impressed as I was, but then they stayed in the van at each lookout while I got out to take pictures. It was pretty chilly and windy, and with lookouts every .5 miles or so, it just would've been more of a hassle getting them in and out of their carseats. Because the kids stayed in the van, I never walked too far away and therefore, never actually went out on the beach myself, but the scenery from the lookouts was still so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes. These pictures don't to justice to the wonder and beauty God put here for us to admire.

This point was called 'Restless Sea' - it was my favorite!

I loved the look of the cypress trees all around the shoreline

The 'Lone Cypress'

I had to laugh later that evening when we were about 30 minutes from home on the freeway. We passed an aqueduct/reservoir and Clara says to me from the back seat, "Wow, Mom, isn't that beautiful?!"
What? Where was she 4 hours prior when I was taking these pictures?!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. clara's comment is hilarious! glad you did it - good for you!
