Saturday, October 17, 2009


While visiting Monterey, I also took the opportunity to drive over to Carmel by the Sea, and for the first time, the kids and I actually stepped onto the beach in that area. The beach was beautiful -- white sand, green water. The ocean had so much power, it was amazing to watch. I kept Matthew wrapped up in his carseat, due to the cold wind that was blowing, so I don't think this counts as his first trip to the beach :)
Clara and Jonathan in front of some cool tree trunks


Clara and Jonathan

Don't let them fool you, they're not always that nice to each other!

Clara wanted to make a sand castle, but we weren't really dressed for it, nor was the weather favorable for a long stay at the beach, despite the crazy people who thought it was a good idea to go in the water there behind the kids!

Running from the waves. Notice how red the man's skin is in the water. His chest and back were so red since the water was so cold (trust me I put my feet in it!) I don't know how he was in there like that!
I had to promise Clara that Chris and I would bring them back to the beach in the summer so we could spend the day playing in the water and making sandcastles, in order to get her off the beach this time. Not a difficult promise for me to keep...I can't wait to go back :)

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