Sunday, October 18, 2009

Red, White, and No More Blues!

Chris came home from deployment Wednesday, the 7th, at about 11:30pm. He was able to get off the boat a little early to come home and prepare things for the fly-in, when the whole squadron gets back this Tuesday, the 21st. The squadron always send a few guys home early to make the preparations for the fly-in and Chris just happened to be one of them this time since he had a new son at home that he had yet to meet. Chris was supposed to be flying into San Diego around 11pm that night and then hopping on a bus with 40 other guys to make the 6 hour drive up here to Lemoore. However, when the pilot heard that, he thought it ridiculous that guys who had just spent 5 months away from their families would have to prolong their homecoming with that 6 hour bus ride, and he diverted their flight to drop them off directly in Lemoore.
I was given notice of the change by my neighbor, whose husband was also coming home. I just happened to walk outside to take out the trash, when I noticed her dog running loose. I looked over to see if she was aware he was loose, when she said, "Did you hear the news? They're here! They just landed!!!" I was sure she was confused, but she insisted she was right, so we both scrambled to hang up our 'Welcome Home' signs. She ended up having to go pick them up while I sat in my driveway with her baby monitor in case any of our kids woke up while she was gone...I hadn't even told my kids Daddy was coming home at all!

I had just gotten Matthew to sleep about 2 hous before Chris got home. Matthew has been sleeping in his carseat, and was still in the living room when Chris came in. Chris knelt down on the floor in front of him and just stared at him, not wanting to wake him, until I said, "Would you pick that baby up already!" He didn't have to be told again...

Even Clemson was excited to see Chris

Chris just held him and stared at him a while. We tried to unwrap Matthew and wake him up, but he was too far gone and wouldn't wake up for anything! Chris had to wait until morning to really meet Matthew.

Next he went into the kids rooms to give them hugs and kisses. He snuggled up next to Clara and gave her a kiss...

...and a big hug!

This was when she had opened her eyes and realized it was Daddy snuggling her

So happy to have Daddy home!

Next to snuggle Jonathan...and, yes, he's still sleeping on the floor!

It took Jonathan a little longer to realize what was going on, but when he did he woke up 100% and gave Chris big hugs back.

More snuggling!

Daddy and Jonathan

The kids couldn't wait to have breakfast with Daddy the next morning!

I even found the perfect dessert to have on Chris' first night home:

It's like it was made just for us!

And the kids always welcome the chance to have ice cream!

Together again!

1 comment:

  1. oh torie - i'm SO Glad he's home! what a great welcome home story - what a GREAT surprise!!! :)
