Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pumpkin Carving

Monday night Chris began carving our pumpkins. I got out the 2 books of templates I had from previous years and as the kids were looking through to find which one they wanted, my neighbor brought over about 10 more books of ideas that she's collected over the years. Jonathan zeroed in on a 'smiley pumpkin' and wouldn't budge. Every time I tried to show him another option, he simply insisted, "Smiley pumpkin!" So Chris went about carving the design.
Jonathan sat right next to him the whole time.

The tooth was Chris' addition. Jonathan was sooo excited when Chris finished it. He said, "I told you! Smiley pumpkin! I told you!" It was so cute to see him so excited. The funny part is, if you tried to carve a Jack-o-lantern that embodied Jonathan's personality, it would look something like that smiley pumpkin :)

Clara changed her mind about 5 times about which pumpkin carving she wanted, but she settled on the scary witch. I was shocked she didn't choose one of her Disney princess templates again, but in a way I was glad. I'm looking forward to the stage after princesses...a time when 'everything princess' no longer consumes all her thoughts and opinions. I think we're just now tip-toeing into that next stage. She has decided to be Belle for Halloween this year, but has already stated that it would be fun to be a witch next year!!!! Looking forward to moving on a little...just a little though.

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