Thursday, October 29, 2009

We're At It Again...

...Potty training, that is.

Only this time, we're having some success! Jonathan is FINALLY catching on. He's been wearing big boy 'panties' all week (He insists they're panties). Still in a diaper at naptime and bedtime, but it's progress.

Tonight he placed the last sticker on this chart. He seems to have it down if he's at home, in the house. Of course, outside he often forgets to take the break from playing, and we have yet to get him to use a potty away from home. Using the potty at a store presents a whole new set of issues. At home we're using the potty seat insert that sits on top of the regular potty seat and has a guard, eliminating the fear of falling in and the need to 'aim'. I haven't quite figured out how to tackle going to the potty in a store. He's too short to pee standing up, but I'm not sure how he'll balance and aim all while sitting on a 'big potty'. Any suggestions?


  1. josiah sat backwards when he was first learning how. that helped...

  2. For standing I usually stand behind My son and let him stand on my feet. This makes him enough taller to get the job done. Your feet may not be big enough, you could get peed on, individual results may vary.
