Monday, December 28, 2009

1st Cereal

Tonight Matthew tried cereal for the first time. After many battles with Clara as a baby over rice cereal, I never bought the stuff again. Instead, both Jonathan and now Matthew, have started with oatmeal. No one seems to take an issue with oatmeal!
Matthew's been the first one awake the past few mornings and in the afternoons he seems esp. prone to spitting up, so I figured it was time for cereal. He did really well with it!
This pic's a little blurry, but it's the only one Chris took of me actually feeding Matthew the cereal.

I was feeding him in his bouncy seat and he was doing fine until I had to reposition him. I must have bonked his head a little on the top of it (where the metal is at the top of the seat), or he simply didn't want to be repositioned, because at that point he started crying and from then on he was touch and go with the crying.

All in all he did much better than I expected. He actually opened his mouth each time I raised the spoon to it. He still hasn't quite figured out how to keep it in his mouth, but I was impressed with his first try. He ate about half of what I made before he decided he was done, then nursed and went off to bed. Hopefully, he'll sleep in a little in the morning!

Too Cute!

1 comment:

  1. he is just so darn cute - the sweetest little round head. just want to kiss him all day, don't you? w hat a doll baby!
