Monday, December 28, 2009

1st Time in the Exersaucer

Yesterday Chris took the two older kids with him to get a haircut and so I decided to try Matthew in the exersaucer. Technically this is his second time in the exersaucer, but the first time he wasn't strong enough to hold himself up, and then Clara and Jonathan played with the exersaucer around him so excitedly that it scared him a little. Yesterday was the perfect chance to give him a chance to get comfortable with it in his own time, and did he ever!
I took a lot of really cute pics -get ready for 'cuteness overload':
Just feelin' it out


"Who me?"


"Hey there Mr. Butterfly!"

Talkin' on the phone


"What'd you say?"

He had a great time, as you can see! He likes this new perspective and even held his own in it today with Clara and Jonathan 'showing him how to play with it'. It's so fun to see him grasping things and to watch him become intrigued by the lights and sounds. He's growing so big, so fast!


  1. i'm trying to find one from someone here to borrow - caleb loves to sit in the one at church and he loves being able to see everything! i just know he and matthew would be good buddies! :) you got great pictures of him for sure!

  2. Good Luck finding one -- I got this one for Jonathan, but he was such a fast grower, he didn't get a bunch of use out of it! I got Matthew a Bumbo seat, thinking he'd like it too, but he didn't, so it was promptly returned!
