Wednesday, December 2, 2009

3 Months

Look who's 3 months old already!
At 3 months, he's still an easy baby. He loves Clara and Jonathan and the feeling is mutual. Jonathan often tells me, "No, he's MY baby!" and Clara routinely asks for Matthew to help tuck her in at night. He smiles often, but still makes us work for a laugh. Still hates baths. Still nurses and bottle feeds (thankfully)! He doesn't mind tummy time so much anymore, but just not for long periods of time. He sleeps at least 12 hours at night and is really an easy baby. I've been lucky with all 3 of mine, I would not know what to do with a baby that offered any real challenge. He's starting to pull at Clara's hair when she lets him, I've been trying to explain to her why it's not a good idea to let him, but she thinks it's funny...she'll learn soon enough on her own :)

Up to mischief already!

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