Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ice Skating

I find myself playing catch-up with this blog again. Ever since Matthew was born, there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day. Hopefully things will get a little easier as he gets older. (Not that it's really difficult now, just not enough time to be productive as I want to be before the next 'nursing session'!)
Anyway, on Veteran's Day we took advantage of a day off from school and took the kids ice skating for the first time, along with all of our neighbors. We are very fortunate to live on a wonderful street with wonderful neighbors. I was witness to how wonderful my neighbors really are when I had Matthew, and it's great that we come together, not only in times of crises, but in times of fun too. We had a blast ice skating with everyone!
Clara and Jonathan just got their ice skates on in the lobby
Doug and Madori and their kids, Ella and Connor getting ready to skate

(Note to self: When your husband is putting the baby in the car seat, ALWAYS double check to be sure he grabbed a blanket...ESPECIALLY, when going some place cold, like ice skating!)
This is how Matthew spent a good bit of the time at the ice rink, snuggled up in Melissa's sweater. Thankfully, the rink also had a viewing room upstairs that was not frigid!

Clara is turning in to quite a brave little girl. She always used to be so cautious (like me), but she's starting to let loose... a little (she IS still my daughter, after all!) She was right about at the cut-off height for being able to use a 'walker', but the guy at the counter was nice enough to let her have one. After she got her bearings, she'd push it a little away from herself and then 'skate' to it. She was soooo proud!

Chris helping Jonathan

Getting the hang of it

Jonathan is not a cautious child at all. After a few minutes of having Chris or myself help him, he insisted he could do it on his own...and he could!

Another proud kid!

The kids had a ball!

Trying it without the 'walker'

He didn't do so well without the 'walker', but he thought falling was hilarious

Hunter, Briana, Carrie and Alexis

Me and Jonathan
After ice skating, the gang headed to Outback for dinner.

Courtney with her boys, Logan and Carson

Alexis and Angie (Angie just had a baby girl last Tues.!)

Chris and Clara


Madori, Connor and Doug

Shannon, with her girls, Emily and Peyton
Ice skating was so much fun, definitely something we'll have to do again soon. Only we'll have to dress warmer next time (and bring a blanket for the baby!)

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