Sunday, January 3, 2010


Today Matthew rolled over from back to belly for the first time! He stays swaddled so often when he's laying down on his back that I was worried he'd be a little delayed on that milestone, but he did it!
He's growing so big, so fast! We've tried just about all the fruits and vegetables over the past several days and the guy is a big fan of eating! Makes me feel like I've been starving the poor child. He ate his squash tonight, but it didn't seem to be a favorite, though he still seemed to like it OK. The only thing he hasn't tried yet is sweet potatoes, but I have yet to meet a baby that doesn't like those!


  1. wow - we haven't started food yet at all. finally making good progress with cereal. for the longest time caleb would just sit there and smile at me - with the cereal just sitting in his mouth!! he's eating it twice a day now, so in another few weeks we'll get to start on the veggies....hope he likes everything as well as matthew has! :)

  2. yeah -- Matthew's eating 2X a day too, but he has recently decided to put his hand in his mouth immediately after every spoonful, so while he's still eating great - it's always a big mess! I'm sure Caleb will like trying all the new foods when you get to it -- like I said, I've never been patient when it came to introducing new foods to the kids!
