Monday, January 25, 2010


Every Wednesday, my wonderful neighbor watches the boys for a couple hours so I can go in and volunteer in Clara's class. Her teacher, Mrs. Ward, typically just gives me some busy work to do, (filing, cutting papers, pencil sharpening...). Still I know that it's important to Clara that I'm there. On Wednesdays when Chris doesn't need to be to work until later in the day, he goes into Clara's class in my place. Being much more energetic and childlike (in the good ways) than myself, the kids love to see him there. Last Weds. was Chris' turn. The kids were playing a game that helped to familiarize themselves with the parts of their body and taking direction. Chris thought it looked fun, so he joined in. Mrs. Ward got such a kick out of it she took a picture and emailed it to me:
It's easy to see why all kids love 'Mr. Chris'!

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