Saturday, February 27, 2010

1st Time in Crib

While Matthew and I were out getting his portraits taken, Chris was home converting the crib back into a crib (from a toddler bed). So Matthew was able to try it out for his nap, after his tummy was full.
See, it would've been a cute outfit for portraits!

Not sure what to think of this fact, he cried for a good while before falling off to sleep.

At bedtime, Jonathan was giddy with excitement over finally getting to share his room with Matthew. (Matthew has been sleeping in the bassinet, then pack 'n' play, in our room all this time).

Ready for bed time - which went much more smoothly, no crying!

1 comment:

  1. you're much more patient than me to have matthew in your room all this time - i'm always so anxious for everyone to be back in their own rooms!!! he looks like a BIG boy in his cute little outfit - i'm sure the boys will love bunking up together! :)
