Saturday, February 27, 2010

Matthew at 6 Months

This morning I took Matthew in to 'The Picture People' for his 6 month portraits. We've never had pictures done there before, but I was very pleased! Let me start by saying boys are so much easier than girls. I would start planning Clara's portrait outfits a month in advance, to make sure she had everything matching from head to toe...Matthew was wearing hand-me-down clothes from Jonathan earlier in the week, Chris and I agreed that he looked so handsome in them, they would work perfect for portraits! So I wasn't at all upset when I saw they weren't laying right in the pics, and stripped him down to his diaper!
They took some great shots of him - I had to narrow down the choices to 7, and then they threw in one extra for free since I HAD to have this first one:
It's the first time Matthew has gotten up on all fours - and there just happened to be a camera pointed at him!!!! I know he's not looking at the camera, but I had to have it!

If Matthew is laying on his back, he's holding onto at least one foot, so this was great to capture!

Those feet can be distracting when sitting up too!

Matthew loves to reach out and feel objects and textures. He has this thing where he'll stand his hand up on the thumb and then roll his hand back and forth using his thumb as the pivot...that's what he was doing here.

Beautiful blue eyes!

Blowing Raspberries!

Wouldn't be complete without a little drool and that huge toothless grin!

My favorite! Love this little boy!


  1. man - SOOOO many great ones! and they all capture his little personality so well! i'm glad you went with the naked baby pose - they're only this little for such a short time...and then they HAVE to wear clothes in all their pictures! :)

  2. wow! those pics are so awesome! How did you ever pic the ones to enlarge and hang up??? What a cutie patootie he is!!!
