Monday, April 12, 2010

Clara's 6th Birthday!

On March 24th, Clara turned 6!
We decided to let her celebrate with her first sleepover the Friday before her birthday. Her school friend, Ava, came over to spend the night. Ava's dad had actually just gotten home from a couple weeks away earlier in the week, so we watched both Ava and her brother Finn (who happens to be Jonathan's age) allowing their parents to go out without kids. They swung by and picked up Finn on their way home and Ava stayed for the night. I would have more pics of the evening while Finn was here, if not for the fact that I was just a tad overwhelmed with 5 kids on my own. The initial plan was of course for Chris to be here as well, but about an hour into the evening when Chris started to make dinner, he cut his hand landing him in the ER for the rest of the evening. He had opened a can of baked beans, and dropped it with the opened lid still attached. His instinct was to of course try and catch it, but that didn't turn out so great for his hand. The cut wasn't so bad, but the ER staff quite literally forgot him. 3 hours later, after Finn had been picked up and all the rest of the kids were finally asleep, I jokingly texted Chris, "All the kids are asleep, you can come home now." No sooner than I sent the text, than Chris came storming in the house, totally frustrated with his visit to the ER and having to miss Clara's 1st sleepover. All in all it wasn't a bad night. All the kids played well together. The only rough spots were when Matthew would start crying for a bottle or food and I was not able to get to him right away. Then not only would he be crying, but Ava and Finn would start inquiring, "Why is the baby crying? Can you make him stop? What's wrong?" -- It all does wonders for your nerves!
Clara decided she wasn't to sleep on the floor with Ava. When we bought Clara's bed we were planning for nights like this. We bought a trundle bed so no one would have to sleep on the floor, but since Jonathan is still sleeping on that trundle mattress on his own floor, this is what we ended up with. As you can see, no one seemed to mind!

On Sunday, the 21st, we had all our friends/neighbors over to help celebrate with a cookout. Here's the guest of honor posing for a picture!

Jonathan was not in the best of moods as usual.

Uncle Larry and Aunt Sandi came to help celebrate.

That talk with Chris didn't do much to cheer Jonathan up.

Grandpa John has recently moved in with Larry and Sandi, so he was able to celebrate with us as well!

Aunt Sandi's turn to try and cheer Jonathan up.

Chris and Uncle Larry

Progress...this after Chris told Jonathan he better go somewhere else and get 'ungrumpy' if he wanted some cake. He yelled from across the lawn. "Look Dad, I'm happy now!"

Party Animal (sorry, I had to say it!)

Present time!

Princess and the Frog Wii Game..."Just what I always wanted!"

Birthday smiles.

The Cake. Clara insisted she wanted one from the store this year...because she wanted the toys that came on the cake.

Daddy's home for Clara's birthday this year!!!!!!

Blowing out the candles.

Already wearing the tiara from the cake.

As you can see that new attitude didn't last long after he got his cake.

Jonathan spent about 30 minutes just eating the icing off his cake.

Jonathan with one of his best buds, Alyssa. About a year ago he tormented the poor girl, even bit her quite a few's a wonder she'll have anything to do with him anymore!

Turns out Matthew likes to play basketball.

He thought Chris' dribbling was hilarious.

Icing face

On Clara's actual birthday, she got to wear the new birthday outfit she picked out and her new Twinkle Toes that she just had to have for her birthday!

That afternoon she got to open her gifts from the family. Jonathan got her a Barbie Car.

More presents.

She asked for Polly Pockets too. Do you know how hard it was to buy her those, knowing Matthew is just starting to get around really well on his own?! But that face makes it worth while!

I had to get my picture with the birthday girl!

Our sassy pose...she's better at that than I am!

Making one more wish for her birthday!

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!

1 comment:

  1. she is looking so OLD all of a sudden torie!!! and i LOVE the new pictures at the top of the blog! looks GREAT!
