Monday, April 12, 2010

Mom of 3

This 'Mom of 3 Gig' I have keeps me hopping a bit more than I thought it would. Of course it doesn't hurt that not only do I have the 3 kids, but those 3 kids are involved in extra-curricular activities that have put Mom's Taxi Service into business. We are constantly running from school to dance to gymnastics for 2 and now T-ball for 2, all the while trying to fit in naps and just a few home cooked meals. We've had a birthday and a weekend trip since I last blogged, so before everyone totally gives up on checking on us here in lovely CA, I thought I'd try and catch up a bit.
Matthew is now just a few days shy of 8 months, but I took these pics when he was 7 months.

I love EVERY little part of this guy!

Comfy in the exersaucer.

A month later and I still can't look at this picture without laughing!

Such a handsome guy!

Matthew's 1st St. Patrick's Day!

Matthew and 2 of his biggest fans!

These kids are great together! Well, more specifically, the 2 older ones are great with Matthew. Some days Clara and Jonathan are the best of friends and some days it seems they're on a mission to see who can start the most fights over the stupidest things! I'm trying to savor this time when Matthew isn't old enough to join in on those days!

We're STILL waiting on those first teeth. We can see the white mounds in his gums, but those teeth just can't seem to cut the surface. Still, we introduced Matthew to puffs.

He wasn't sure what to make of having something more solid in his mouth, but quickly decided it wasn't such a bad thing!


1 comment:

  1. he really is the cutest!!! i love that picture of him making that crazy face - what in the world!?@?@? hilarious!
