Thursday, May 13, 2010

Kindergarten Open House

Tonight was open house at Clara's school. Unfortunately, Chris is out of town again, so it was just me and the kids. I loaded Matthew up in the Baby Bjorn and we walked to Clara's school to see all the things she's been working on lately. I volunteer in Clara's class every Wednesday, so I've seen most of the projects, even helped hang them, but Clara was very proud to be able to show it all to me herself!

Each student's parents wrote up a little story about the day they were born to hang in the class. This was Clara's.

Clara's carrot seed storybook

Mrs. Ward has been putting together a memory book to show the things the kids have done over the year and how they've improved.

The Valentine card Clara made for Mrs. Ward

Clara and a classmate dressed up for Halloween

On the 100th day of school we had to disguise the number 100. We made penguins but their eyes have since fallen off.

When the Kindergartners were first learning to write sentences, they stuck with this form, "I see..."

In the Fall they learned a lot about apples and Johnny Appleseed. They got to taste a green, a yellow and a red one and decide which variety they liked best.

Clara standing below her self-portrait (Hers is the one dressed in pink and purple, of course!)

Clara's self-portrait

Clara's Flower

More practice writing sentences. Clara's teacher gave them each a picture of themselves around the school and they were tasked with writing a story about it.

They also planted carrot seeds and wildflowers.

In the main school building, they showcase one or two art projects from each class. It just happened to be Clara's project hanging in there. She drew this on the computer in class.
After looking around Clara's classroom, we took the opportunity to check out the 1st grade classrooms as well. Clara's excited because in 1st grade each student gets their own desk, not just one big table!

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