Saturday, May 15, 2010

Snow White

Chris just got back from 2 weeks training in Key West (I know, it's a rough life he has!) I got us tickets to go see Snow White at a local playhouse and a sitter set up for Matthew. Clara was sooo excited and Chris made it home just in time to tag along. I was afraid he'd fall asleep during the play since he'd been on a plane all day, but he stayed awake and the kids did great. I had forgotten what it was like to go out with just Clara and diaper bags, no wiggle worms stuck in my lap, no diaper changes...It was nice. Clara loved it, Jonathan got a little restless around intermission, and was very upset when he realized intermission was not the end. He didn't want to go back in. I explained to him that Snow White's prince still had to come get her. As soon as the Prince kissed Snow White, everyone could hear Jonathan say, "It's done now?!" However, this play went on to show you that the witch got what was coming to her, so it was not the end :)
Afterwards, everyone was welcomed down to the stage to meet the cast.
Clara and Snow White

Jonathan and Snow White

Jonathan with the Evil Stepmother/Wicked Witch

Clara with the Evil Stepmother/ Wicked Witch

Three Fairies (added in to help with transitions since it was a live play)
As we were leaving the playhouse, Jonathan said to me, "Mom, let's go ask Izabella (our sitter) if we can have our baby back." It might have been a little easier out without him, but we sure did miss him!

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