Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Kindergarten Patriotic Program

This morning we got to go to Clara's school to see the 'Patriotic Program'. Clara's been singing songs like 'God Bless America', 'Yankee Doodle' and 'My Country 'Tis of Thee' for weeks now and this program is precisely why. She was so excited we were all going to be able to come see the performance!

Up on stage with Thomas and Ava

Thankfully, Matthew made it through the whole program in his carrier. He has gotten to be such a wiggle worm, and so independent. He doesn't want to be held, but rather, to be set free to crawl all over the place! He can be quite a handful sometimes!

Here's the video of Clara's class singing 'God Bless America'. I took a video each time they sang, but for some reason Clara had a sour look on her face for most of the songs. Ava (sitting next to Clara)...her parents were sitting just behind me. Each of my videos shows her staring right in my direction with a huge smile, whereas Clara almost seemed afraid to look in my direction at all. Still, she did a great job, and remembered all her lines.

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