Monday, June 28, 2010

Los Angeles - Girls' Weekend

This past weekend I went to L.A. for the first time. I mean we've obviously driven through there a number of times, but this time I stopped to do all the touristy things I've been wanting to do. The best part, it was a girls' weekend. We tried to get a group of girls to go, but as time got closer, everyone's summer plans started getting in the way, so it was just my friend Courtney and I. Still, we had a great time, and it was so nice to get away.
Friday night after checking into our hotel, we foolishly headed down to Hollywood Blvd. Any local will tell you this wasn't a wise move, but how were we to know that Hollywood Blvd isn't exaclty the best part of town? After sitting in traffic for about an hour to go less than a mile, we finally found parking. We bypassed a garage that said 'Parking $8' only to go around the corner and find a parking garage for $5. When we walked out of the parking garage, we found that they were one in the same. It only mattered what side you went in on, whether you saved $3 or not! Then we started the trek down this alley of a street about a block or two, to Hollywood Blvd, where we strangely felt safer. Already, we were soooo glad not to have all of our kids in tow for this vacation.

Still, the mom in me couldn't help but take a picture of Dr. Seuss' star on the Walk of Fame.

Grommans' Chinese Theater

John Travolta wuz here!

So was George Burns...

...and Cary Grant

and George Clooney

Me at Grommans' Chinese Theater. It's odd to me that they would choose one of the worst parts of town to honor these famous people....I wonder if they move all the drug addicts when George Clooney comes through :)

Only in Hollywood.

After walking around a while, we were starving. The smell of pizza caught our attention. Check out how big the slices were!

Saturday, we were up for finding a better part of town. Where would be better than Rodeo Drive?!

The stores on Rodeo

Courtney and I on Rodeo

Even the parking meters take plastic here!

Cort and I in Beverly Hills!

We found the best cupcake shop just off Rodeo Drive called 'Crumbs' I can't believe I didn't take a picture of the cupcakes...I must've been too busy eating them!

Awesome tree in the park.

Once we got tired of walking around Beverly Hills and feeling poor, we heading to Santa Monica.

Santa Monica Pier

Me on the Pier

This thing made me think of the movie 'Big', so I had to take a picture of it.

Before leaving on Sunday we HAD to get a picture of the Hollywood sign! We had a great time, and were definitely glad to get the chance to see these things without the kids. Between the traffic, lack of bathrooms, strange people and street performers, and the fact that the kids could've cared less about most of it...but at least now, I can say I've seen it!

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