Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pool Time

I just got Matthew his own pool. Typically in the evenings, I set up the Slip 'N' Slide for Clara and Jonathan. Matthew wants so badly to play with them, but when I do let him crawl out to the Slip 'N' Slide, he starts crying once he feels how cold the water is coming from the hose. So I figured getting him his own pool would satisfy him.
It's just big enough for him. Clara and Jonathan were both very concerned that I had gotten him a 'girl pool' since it's pink. It's all they talked about today while Matthew played in it, but it was the only kind they had at the Exchange, and who am I to argue for $5.00!

Matthew didn't seem to mind!

He loved playing with his boat.

He hooked something!

Too Cute!

It didn't take him long to figure out how to get out of the pool...

...and how to get back in!

Just Restin'

However, it still didn't keep him from that Slip 'N' Slide!

It was a little cold at first...

Determined to conquer it, he began crawling down...

He made it to the end - Just like the big kids!

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