Friday, July 9, 2010

Eat Mor Chikin

Guess what today was?! Cow Appreciation Day! Of course nothing could keep us away! Hopefully next year we'll be able to drag Chris with us, but he was once again out of town. We tried to drag Grandma Yonka with us, but she lucked out with her flight leaving at 6:45am, so we conned our neighbors into coming with us instead.
This year was much crazier than last year. Our Chick-fil-A is only 2 years old, so with last year being their 1st 'Cow Appreciation Day' it didn't seem that many had participated. This year, the place was full of cows!

I made Clara a cow print dress this year. I have never sewn anything before, but I've seen 'Pillowcase Dresses' and thought surely it was something I could handle. Of course I didn't have a cow-print pillowcase, and my internet wasn't working that day, so I couldn't look up a pattern, but that didn't stop me...neither did the hundred mistakes I made along the way. If you actually look closely at my sewing, you may think Clara made that dress herself, but I was proud of my accomplishment. I can't wait to make a real pillowcase dress, now that I know all the mistakes not to make!

Clara and Jonathan played 'Ring around the Rosie' with the Chick-fil-A cow while I ordered our food.

Carson, Logan and Clara


My two cows

I didn't bother with dressing Matthew up since I knew he wouldn't eat much -- still, I got a free small waffle fry for him!

Me with my cows

Feel the Love!

Lovin' the cow

Hugs for the Cow

California cows are happy cows

One last picture with their little stuffed cows

Like I said, I'm pretty proud of the dress, and Clara's the best at modeling it!


  1. The dress turned out fine. All of you, including Courtney's boys, looked great

  2. Gee...I'm surprised you made the a special day for the 2nd year in a row! Great job on the dress. It gets easier with every outfit you make.

  3. What a fun day! You guys all look so good! We did that last year only b/c I had a cow onesie for Chaz and jumped at the chance to use it! It got us one free meal...Dave and I split it, so I guess we owe Chaz, huh?? LOL!
