Friday, July 9, 2010

Grandma Yonka's Visit

My mother stayed for a few days more after Crystal and Teagan left, so we had some time to visit with just her. At this point I also realized that most of the pictures I had taken during the visit were of Teagan, keeping in mind that my parents are already smothered with more pics of my kids than imaginable. Still I knew mom would want more of my kids, so those last few days I set about capturing just about's just a few:

Princess Snow White reading us a story.

Playing with sidewalk chalk

More pool time

Some real Slip 'N' Sliding

Big Splash!

She slid right off the end!

Jonathan's turn


"Awww! That was cool!"

Matthew wouldn't know what to do with out Jonathan and Clara doting on him all the time

Time to bear crawl

'What are you lookin' at?'

He's got something to say!

I know a mischievous look when I see one!

Clara spent about 15 minutes trying to catch a dragonfly -- she did it!

Showing it to Grandma Yonka

Pretty smile

Clara's turn to love on Matthew

Too bad he can't stand all this attention :)

Some one's finally cutting those top teeth!

Back to the Slip 'N' Slide. This time, with a new mission: to catch the water!

For about 30 minutes he just sat there and tried to catch the water. Of course I was sitting right there taking pics of all of it. It was too cute!

'I can get it!'

'Maybe if I just sneak up on it!"

'I give up...I'm thirsty!'

Grandma helped out, especially by doing one of my least favorite things nowadays...feeding Matthew. He's hitting that phase where he's tasted enough table food to realize that the baby food I've been feeding him is crap. However, I'm trying to hang on to that baby food stage for as long as I can just for the convenience of it...a battle I'm quickly losing!

And she fed him his bottles while I tended to dinner or the other kids. So nice not to have a screaming/hungry baby in the background!

She even got snuggle time with the big kids!

It took longer for Jonathan to warm up since we don't get to see my parents often anymore now that we're on the West Coast. He's such a momma's boy. That made this hug all the more special!

He was pretending to be asleep for the benefit of the picture...he's such a nut!

1 comment:

  1. Don't hold on to the baby food--hold on to the baby. Let them stay little for as long aas you can. You spoke about crying when you were getting rid of ome of Clara's clothes. I cried getting rid of yours recently. Let them stay little.
