Thursday, July 8, 2010

Introducing Teagan

Back in April my parents and I were surprised by a letter that was mailed to each of our houses from a stranger. It told a story of a little baby named Teagan Catherine whose birthday is roughly a month before Matthew's. The letter explained that Teagan was connected to us through my brother, her father. We knew nothing of her before this letter and while it didn't seem that Teagan fit into my brother's life, or what we knew of it, we knew there was something to this story. I don't wish to go into all the details, but rather focus on the important things. Teagan is my brother's daughter, and while he is aware of her, he has chosen not to be a part of her life. He has his reasons and while I don't agree, it's not me he has to answer to. It will be Teagan looking for those answers someday, which is why Teagan's maternal family thought it was important that we be involved. Last week, Teagan and her mother, Crystal, came from Alaska to visit us. My mother flew into CA to meet this 4th grandchild for the first time. It was a great visit. I am in awe of the strength Crystal possesses to be able to come here to introduce Teagan and herself to us. I know it couldn't have been easy, but she did it because it's what's best for Teagan.
I hope in time my brother sees what he's missing out on. In the meantime, Teagan can count on me for any answers I can provide concerning this side of her family. I am sorry to have missed her first 9 months, but I intend to be a part of all the many years to come.

My mother flew in Monday afternoon, followed by Crystal and Teagan late Monday night. Teagan was asleep when they got off the plane, and was startled by us strangers doting on her when she woke up! We let them go straight to the hotel and get some rest before really visiting with them.

Once I showed Teagan where the toy box is in our house the next day, she made herself comfortable!

She would just stand there and empty out the toys one by one. When she couldn't reach any more toys in the bottom, she'd start putting them all back in.

Matthew in the toy box!

Just like a 'Jack in the Box' he popped out!

We walked up to the park at the end of the street which seemed to be a huge hit for Teagan. She loved the swings...

...and the slide.

After just a couple times, she was going down the slide on her own.

Like this!

Clara was loving having another girl around. It was like having that sister she's been asking for since I was pregnant with Jonathan!

While the park was a hit with Teagan, the heat was not a hit with Crystal so we came home and stuck the kids in the pool. Yeah, still not helping Crystal, but at least the babies were cool!

Just like a girl, always fixing up the boys!

Teagan and Crystal

My happy scrappy - Matthew!

How adorable is this picture?! Teagan liked picking all the clover flowers in the yard and eating them.

Crystal's allergic to dogs, Teagan was just another kid in love with Clemson!

And this is precisely why Clemson likes kids!

Crystal brought gifts for everyone. Matthew actually wore his hat for a few seconds before taking it off...a couple seconds longer than any other hat I can get on him!

Jonathan got that conductor's hat on the table, along with a train whistle and that bandana around his neck from Crystal. We recently bought a new pineapple corer/slicer and had just tried it out. The kids thought it was great to drink the leftover juice straight from the pineapple shell.

Of Course Clara had to try it out too!

Mom and Teagan on the 4th of July
Crystal had mentioned to me before her visit how she definitely wanted to stick around through the 4th of July. I didn't understand at first. I don't think people understand what kind of 'out-in-the-middle-of-nowhere' part of CA we live in. I didn't question it, though we had no big plans for the 4th. It wasn't until we sat watching the fireworks show from a distance that I realized. In Alaska it doesn't get dark in the summer time, so fireworks aren't so spectacular. I felt bad that we hadn't braved the crowds and traffic to give her full experience complete with patriotic music blaring in the background.

Chris taught Matthew a thing or two about golfing - that's about all he knows on the topic anyway :)

Happy Scrappy on his 1st 4th of July!

Jonathan was the only one not dressed in patriotic colors on the 4th. Chris was playing the guitar that morning, so of course, Jonathan wanted to wear his guitar shirt!

Going for a wagon ride

Matthew wasn't too keen on the wagon

He'd rather be driving the convertible!

The whole crazy crew!

Teagan and Clara

We went to The Picture People again to get a picture of the kids together so my mother would have a nice portrait of all 4 of her grandkids. Crystal and I lost a good 5 hours of our lives coordinating the kids' outfits (Who would've thought red and denim would be difficult to find around the 4th of July!) But it was so worth it...Isn't this one perfect? (Even if it is black and white!)
I love that I got to meet these new members of my family! I look forward to the next time we get together and to watching Teagan grow and getting to know Crystal better. I wish my brother were a part of all this.

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